Unseemly Pursuits: by K.B. Owen
- Narrated by:
- Length: 8 hrs and 29 mins
- Unabridged Audiobook
- Release Date:10-02-15
- Publisher: K.B. Owen Mysteries
- Publishers Summary
A deadly secret that won't stay buried....
It is the fall of 1896, and Miss Concordia Wells is hip-deep in the usual tumult of a lady professor's life: classes, clubs, student pranks, and the unending drama generated by the girls she lives with on campus. Complicating this normality is the new Lady Principal, whom the students have nicknamed "the Ogre". The woman seems bent on making Concordia's life miserable.
Events take a grave turn, however, when an ancient Egyptian amulet donated to the college mysteriously disappears, the donor is found murdered, and his daughter - Concordia's best friend - confesses to killing him.
Desperate for answers, Concordia unravels a 20-year-old secret, closely guarded by men now dead. But such secrets can be dangerous for the daughters left behind, including Concordia herself. Can she make sense of the mystery that has bound together their fates, before it's too late?
©2013 K.B. Owen (P)2015 K.B. OwenMy Review
- Having reviewed and enjoyed the first book I was delighted to have the chance to review this, the second of the Concordia Wells series.
- The story opens with Concordia, the professor of literature, attending an exhibition of ancient artefacts in the newly opened College Gallery of Antiquities, (at this point I think I should add that it's best if the reader has read the first book, as this second one does build on the story from that). Concordia is not particularly enjoying herself, but when something goes missing things become more interesting.
- As the blurb says, the donor of the missing artefact is found murdered and Concordias' best friend has confessed to the deed! Concordia can't help but get involved, but by doing so she uncovers many family secrets.
- The relationship between Concordia and her mother, already strained and fragile, is put under further stress when these old secrets emerge.
- Be warned, this is quite a complex tale but it is quite absorbing - apart from the final third where it does flag a little - however, it's a good story, plenty of twists and turns and with a satisfying ending, well worth a read.
- Narrator
- An excellent narration by Becket Royce, I do love her voice, it's rich and pleasant to the ear with a lovely cadence. the characters in this book display a lot of emotion which Becket captures perfectly without overdoing it. There are quite a few regional accents but, as far as I can tell, all seem perfectly executed.
- The sound quality of this second book is superior to that of the first.
- I was given this audiobook by the narrator, publisher or author in return for an honest review

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