Murder on a Silver Platter KINDLE

Arc version NetGalley
Print Length: 276 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1943390576
Publisher: Henery Press (February 23, 2016)
Publication Date: February 23, 2016
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
A Culinary Cozy Mystery
5 Star Rating
It didn't take me long to get hooked into this fast paced mystery, Penelope is a caterer with her own business, she also acts as Personal Chef to a film star, Arlena. Arlena has a dog with the wonderful name of Zazoo who, being quite smart, took advantage of a power cut to escape through the electric doggie door and out into the freezing snowy night. With only a torch for light Arlena and Penelope set out to find him .... and discover a body in the snow.
Strange things happen, life gets dangerous for Arlena but because this is a relatively short story of 276 pages, there's not too much I can reveal for fear of spoilers
This was quite a fast read, not just because of page length but because I couldn't put it down, it's that entertaining! I enjoyed the characters, Penelope is a strong and determined young woman, quite capably running her own business. I found the film setting quite interesting too, it's a bit different to the usual culinary cozy it's good to get out of the bakery kitchen, the film set brought a freshness to the genre. The author must be quite knowledgeable about film sets because it has the ring of authenticity, not that I would know otherwise.
There's some romance, but the focus of the story is the mystery. In my opinion the author makes it difficult for the reader to solve it, but I don't mind that, and I'm sure some budding sleuths will read it and come up with the answer, they will have to think hard though.
I'd recommend this book to those who enjoy a culinary mystery but want something a bit different
An enjoyable read and a good start to a new series from Shawn Reilly Simmons
ARC kindly supplied by NetGalley and Henery Press in return for an honest review

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